Practice and Be Skilled in Any Roles
Practice and Be Skilled in Any Roles
"The more you sweat in practice, the less you bleed in battle.
However, most people want to play rather than practice.
The main reason for this is lack of discipline."
However, most people want to play rather than practice.
The main reason for this is lack of discipline."
In this chapter, you will learn about DotA roles, how to farm fast, to support your carries, to ward and deward, to gank or roam, to initiate team fights, and to push towers successfully to help you win battles.
Like Basketball and other team sports, DotA Teams also have roles for each player. Each role is important in a team. Having 5 carries in one team means you're sacrificing your early game. Not having a single carry is also not a good idea. Well-balanced roles in a team make it easier for them to win team games. DotA has 2 main categories of roles but there are several sub categories making DotA, still, the number 1 team game for me.
2 Main DotA Roles
CarrySubcategories of Carry Heroes
Carry Heroes are the heroes who would get most shares of the gold and experience in the game. The reason for this would be their task in coming team battles. That task is to be killing machines. They are the ones who would inflict the highest amount of damage they could in team battles. This is the main reason why they are called 'Carry' (because they carry the team to victory).Support
by the name itself, they support the Carry heroes. They provide safety for the Carry heroes, they make killing easy for Carry heroes and they disrupt the opponents to have more farm than their carry heroes.
A tanker is a type of Carry hero in which his farming and leveling aims to be equipped with high HP and Armor. His role in a clash is to take all the dangerous skills to prevent his team mates from dying instantly. He can also serve as bait. Good teams won’t attack tanks at once in battles; instead they try to kill other heroes. This reason needs this tank to also improve inflicting damage. Radiance works perfectly for tanks so they won’t be easily ignored.
Examples of Tanker-Carry Heroes:
Bristle back
Centaur Warchief
Trent Protector
Skeleton King
A Semi-carry hero is a type of carry which is useful early game. It would have good nukes or disable skill that helps a lot in dominating the game early. After doing great in early game, they don’t lose their power till late game. They can still stand up to carry the team having the necessary items.
Examples of Semi-carry heroes:
Shadow Fiend
Rogue Knight
Queen of Pain
Priestess of the Moon
Night Stalker
Hardcore CarrySubcategories of Support Heroes
these are the heroes who are definitely useless early game. They don't have disables that are good enough to dominate early game. They rely much on normal attack. However, if they happened to got farmed up, they can kill anyone who stands in their ways beating even most of the semi-carry heroes. With their high DPS and attack damage (some includes bash), enemy heroes won't last for 3 seconds getting focused by these heroes. This is the reason why they are ganked a lot early game and pro team end the game before their time comes.Ganker
Examples of Hardcore-Carry Heroes:
Phantom Assassin
Faceless Void
Many are confused about this. Ganker heroes aren't only for supports. Carry heroes also gank. In fact, these heroes are more effective gankers. They can kill alone.
Examples of Ganker-Carry heroes:
Demon Witch
Storm Spirit
Fairie Dragon
these are the heroes who stay on their lane to protect a carry hero. They often have healing skills, mana regeneration skills, mana sucking skills for opponents, nukers to harass the opponents and other skills that will protect the carry hero.Roamers
Examples of Babysitters:
these are the type of support heroes that move a lot around the map to help carry heroes kill their enemies on their lane. They often have disabling skills to make killing easier and to assure that the gank won’t end up to a chasing round.Initiators
Examples of Roamers:
Vengeful Spirit
Crystal Maiden
Rogue Knight
Witch Doctor
these are the heroes meant to surprise the opponents in team fights. They have good AOE spells that are viable in clashes. 'Initiator' is the term used to describe them because before they are often used as the starter of the fight. This term makes it confusing because AOE spells like ravage can also be used as back up skill. They can either choose to initiate or enter while the fight is going. If I'm going to give it a name it would be "Clashers"(rofl). These heroes may be supports or not but most of them are supports that's why they lie under support category.Pushers
Examples of Initiators:
Magnus (example of non-support initiator)
Tauren Chieftain
It’s quite easy to understand that their role is to push. They have skills that make them capable of clearing up enemy creeps fast or summon units that can tank and damage the opponent’s tower. Again, these heroes may or may not be supports.
Examples of Pusher Heroes:
Most heroes have 2 or more roles but it depends on how you're going to play it. For example, Prophet (Furion) is a good Pusher but he can also be used as semi-carry and roamer. Most of DotA heroes are hybrid, what's important is knowing the best role for them in given situations.
Holy Knight
Tormented Soul
Shadow Shaman
People often want to know how to farm gold fast in DotA, which is a lot different from me. I am thirsty for blood when I'm playing that I tend to roam a lot. Roaming is fun for me, but then, I expect the carry heroes of our team to be equipped with their needed items as soon as possible so that we can take advantage and destroy towers easily. However, some players want to show off their mad farming skills by farming the whole game. This is not fun at all for me. I don't find self-esteem in having 5 divine rapiers but having 0 kills. I better play 4 v 5 than have a Greedy Gold Farmer team mate. However, farming is also essential in winning games. Here are some guides in getting more gold in less time.
Don't Die
ZSMJ: awarded as the best farmer of the year 2010
Don't Die
Dying means you waste your farmed gold and you waste time at the tavern instead of dying. Learn how to play safe. ZSMJ, one of the legendary farmers, will stay away from creeps if he doesn't see the gankers on the map. He knows how crucial it is if you'll be killed in the game.Do Last Hitting Drills
Drills will improve your timing when will you attack the creep that will guarantee sure gold. One drill is playing in single player mode and try to have 100 creep kills (kills + deny) in 10 minutes - doing this often will make you have high accuracy of getting a fast farm in real games. Another drill is playing single player against 5 AI's. AI's are programmed to have perfect last hit and deny. If you can farm against 5 AI's effectively, it would be easy for you to farm against any human player. This is one drill our best farmer, iGk.DESO, is doing often.Consider Your Hero's Animation
you should measure the time the damage is done after you click the creep. Heroes like Krobelus and Lina have slower animation that you need to attack the creep earlier than usual. Kardel is different, where after clicking the enemy creep the damage is done in very less time. Melee heroes are easier because you only need to observe their hitting animation while Range heroes need to consider their distance and animation of the attack.Look at the Mage
One easy way to last hit effectively is looking at the mage. Among all the creeps fighting, the mage usually have the highest damage. Mage will hit the enemy creep in constant rate so it will be easy for you to decide when to attack. After the mage attacks and you know it'll be one blow before the creep die, it's time for you to click it. This is effective but in some cases, it's not like when you have 2 or more mages, or you have a catapult that does more damage than the mage. In this case you have to consider the rate of hp reduction of the creep.Neutral Creeping for Extra Gold
Neutral Creeps gives you enough amount of gold that Enigma can farm a dagger in 8mins. Thus, on the average, neutral creeping can give you 268 gold in one minute. Neutral Creeping also gives you additional safety from gankers. If you have wards, it'll be harder for you to be killed.Dominate the Lane
If you dominate a lane, chances are you'll get a good farming time because enemy won't be there to harass you. Thus, if you happen to kill enemy heroes there also are additional gold to make you have your items quicker.Don't Waste Gold
Wasting gold, like buying TP and using them to teleport on a tower but it's not that urgent to use it, slows down the rate of your farming. Example, when your creeps are far away from your tower. You can walk to your tower and when you reach your tower chances are the enemy creeps are just reaching your tower along with you. You saved 135 gold from impatient teleportation. TP is vital to the game but you should use it wisely, like backing up a team mate. You'll need 3-4 creeps to farm 135 gold again. Thus you'll be delayed in farming.Use Your Skills Wisely
don’t rely on spamming spells to farm. Spamming spells helps you push not farm. Yes, you can kill the creeps by spamming spells. Spam spells when needed like if you have to choose over 2 or 3 creeps having their hp deteriorate at constant rate. There you can use your AOE spell. Spamming AOE spells makes you go back to the fountain back and forth because you won’t be ready if any clash happens if you don't have mana.Maximize the Map
Map optimization is important to have your luxury items. Burning (EH.Gigabyte.AAA), another pro farmer, farmed a lot by moving all over the map where there is creeps. This was when they were waiting for the opponents to come out and make some error. Search for the creeps; don't make them come to you, because they won’t.
L15 - Learn to Play the Good Support
DotA 2 Rylai
Mainly a support is a hero that takes care or, from the name itself, supports the whole team, most especially the carries. Supports are the ones that are in-charge for the overall team defense and map control.Main tasks of supports
Now most people's knowledge of a support hero's job is only limited to providing the courier, roaming and warding when in truth a support needs to do more than that. Here is a list of what a support user must do forPreferred skills for supports
His/her team:
- Providing the courier
- Warding/Dewarding
- Roaming/Ganking
- Babysitting
- Team fight Setting/Initiation
- Lane Harassment
- Team Defense
- and last but not the least and also the most important: Overall Map Control
When choosing a support one must take the following abilities or spells into consideration:Game play
- Single Target/Area Disables
- Global/AOE Beneficial Aura
- Healing Spells
- Movement Reduction Spells
- Burst Damage Nukes
- Status Reduction Spells
- Team fight Oriented Abilities
A support user greatly relies on their own movements on partially on the items on their inventory. Supports usually go for items that add beef or STR type items for survivability, wards and town portal scrolls. A good support player should be able to survive a whole team fight and get the tide of the battle in favor for their team. Here is a sample item core build for a support player:Warding
Power Treads (for strength)
Ring of Basilius
Urn of Shadows
Warding and Dewarding are two of the most important skills that a support user should have. Knowing when and where to place wards gives a very great advantage in vision, pushing, farming and team fights. This lesson would cover certain ward spots for Observer Wards in certain situations and phases in the game.
Click on Sentinel warding or Scourge warding to find out respective details.
Note that you can still use those competitive warding screenshots in DotA 2 because the warding in DotA 1 and in DotA 2 is 99% the same - the only main difference is the graphics. In DotA 2, some ward spots are slightly rigged on the terrain. But those are basically just for the rune wards only - 2 low spawn and 1 high spawn.
Dewarding from the term itself, it is an act of locating and destroying enemy observer wards in the map. This is to reduce enemy vision to a minimum and it also helps in landing successful ganks and team set plays. There are two main ways to deward; one is through the use of Sentry Wards or by using the Gem of True sight. Now for this lesson I won't be posting any pictures regarding on locations on where to put your Sentries, why? Plain logic: If you know where the ward spots are then you should know where your enemy's wards are located. Knowing every ward spot in the game plus the proper observation if whether your ganks are predicted or not already gives you an edge on whether if the enemy is warding or not and where to hunt for enemy observers. Also, take note that Sentry Wards have limited natural vision on itself.
The red circle shows the natural sight range of a Sentry Ward while the transparent white circle shows its true sight range, knowing this gives a good edge in Dewarding since you won't be wasting too much sentries to locate multiple observers that could be located by only one when placed correctly.
Yet another vital skill that any support user should posses, proper knowledge on when and how to roam gives a very good advantage favoring your team. Plus partnered with warding and dewarding skills, total map control could be achieved without any hassles.Some tips about Roaming and Ganking
Ganking or roaming styles will be discussed in lesson 4.
- Go roam or do ganks at night, during this time most heroes and units visions are lessened making it easy for you to find blind spots behind heroes for surprise kills.
- Ninja moves is a must, use the fog, this is your best friend when roaming, proper utilization and abuse of the fog-of-war in-game is an advantage both in attacking and backing out.
- Do it fast, a good gank should last for no more than 10 seconds to reduce the chance of enemy counterattacks
- Stun lock like a pro, mind the duration of your disables, plan your moves on who throws the stun first, who throws in next and when you would or they throw the stun.
- Hero block, after stunning, quickly run forward and block your enemy's lane so that your ally could deal a good amount of DPS.
- Timing is everything, here's a tip, wait for the next creep wave to get near to the enemy so that he would not have any vision or whatsoever from behind him, also take a look at your own creep wave to anticipate on where the enemy wave is currently located.
- Be careful when tower diving, don't directly attack or right-click on your opponent when your diving for them inside the tower, try moving in advance to where he is running and then throw some spells or nukes, doing this reduces the chance of the tower and the creeps going agro on you thus reducing incoming damage that could possibly be taken from both the tower and the creeps.
- Bring potions, if you want to be a solid, hardcore, roamer/ganker having potions in your inventory ensures continuous ganks without having to go back to the fountain to often but also be mindful on how much you're spend for pots for you might not be able to stack up for your core items which are badly needed during mid-game.
- Anticipation and mind games, try to think ahead of your enemy, try to guess where he would be going or what move will he be doing next.
More ganking and supporting lessons will be discussed in lesson 5.Babysitting
This is the act of protecting your lane mates to ensure a safe farm for them, Babysitting is best and mostly done for heroes that are totally fragile on the early game phase or don't have any escape mechanism skill whatsoever like:
Shadow Fiend
Now take note that babysitting is not limited to these types of heroes. Babysitter type
supports are mostly the ones having healing and protection type spells like:
Omni Knight
Witch Doctor
Well of course supports of these types are not limited to those heroes only. Now as opposed to the offensive Trilane, babysitting is a lot more defensive in every aspects, babysitters don't do too much harass but they do everything to their extent to protect their lane mate, either by slowing down enemy progress, disabling or in most cases healing.Saving
Now most people think that a support should sacrifice himself just to save the carry, now this is not true in most cases. A support must always do everything within his ability in order to save a dying colleague without going into the need for sacrificing oneself. A support could do this by disabling or slowing down enemy movement, healing, path blocking and drawing enemy agro to oneself if necessary.Team fight Setting and Initiation
Distance is important when doing team fights, this is to ensure that your Support Hero would last throughout the whole clash without dying in order to deal the highest amount of damage output possible coming from you, the support user.When to engage in team fights
Mostly you go in after your carries or tanks, then throw a spell (mostly stuns), back out a bit then go back and throw a spell or a burst nuke again if you have one. Always keep an eye on which your team is focusing on and on who hits your carries to know who to nuke or disable.When to retreat
A Support (or your team) should back out when there is no mana left to throw a spell, carries/tanks are dead/low on HP and failed gank attempts.All in all, a support player should be able to master or if not at least gain a fair amount of knowledge regarding hero synergies, clash initiations/settings, warding/dewarding, proper roaming, fog abuse, and overall map control in order to be totally effective in the game. One must not be totally dependent on what items they have in their inventory but must rely on their movements and decision making skills in order to become a good support player.
L16 - Learn to Roam
DotA 2 Vengeful Spirit
I have been playing support role since forever because I find this role the most fun role in the game. I love actions and I love getting into fights as early as possible. It was a good thing though because most players here want to play farmer and carry. Farming is important but I find it boring because you become insurance for the team. You simply stick to your lane and try to farm as much as you can at early game. I know you have to dominate your lane too but if your hero has disadvantages at early game against your opponent, you'll have to play passively. I was known for being a great support for our team back then. But I have to admit, after watching one of my team mate play support role, I realized that someone became a lot better than me. I don't play too often now but I still watch replays and I see a lot of boring support players. They would often act as slaves for the team. You will not even recognize them.
These are some things you can learn to be a better support player for your team.
Have a Gank Strategy Plan
Unique Ward Placement
Killing a hero is not easy if it is controlled by a good player. Planning your ganks that would surprise your opponents will leave them unguarded and will be easier for you to kill them. Ganks that are monotonous may be successful at the first time but good opponents will easily learn your strategy and will build higher fences against it. Ganks should be planned and smoothly executed. There must be a perfect timing on when to engage, who's the first one to cast spells and who to aim.
Learn to Wait
Supports are the masterminds of observer wards. Placing observer wards in important areas like rune spots is very important. Mid heroes will have great advantage dominating the rune. Defensively, wards are important to counter opponent's gank threats. But in most cases, opponents will predict where you placed your wards and either destroy them or find another place to hide. Having your wards in unique spots is a wise decision. It will be hard for opponents to deward and will make your opponents waste their time waiting.
Never get tired of trying
In ganking, you cannot be impatient. You should always wait for the perfect timing to engage. Waiting for the perfect timing gives more chances of killing your target and make it safer for you.
Create Advantages for Carry
You will be quite successful in most of your attempts if you will combine prediction and luck. Luck, unfortunately, is included in the game but good gankers would always bet their effort and time. Try to gank more instead of sticking to lane. Don't wait for your opponents to be strong and farm items that will kill you in 3 hits. Make it hard for them by being a big pest on their lanes.[/
Be a Ninja
Supports are needed to dominate early game. They have skills that can disable, nuke, give vision, slow, or heal. They do not need to farm a lot to be big help. The only problem is heroes with such good skills do not have much potential in late game. That's why carry heroes are still needed. Supports should be around to help team mates get kills, helping them dominate their lanes, give them vision for better defense and help them survive.
Always be ready for clash
How does a Ninja fight? If you're a ninja fan like me, you're aware that Ninjas attack from unseen areas. You'd feel their swords inside your chest before you even know where they are. Gankers should be like a Ninja because of 2 important reasons. 1st is simply the low health of support heroes. Good opponents would not hesitate getting you out first. 2nd reason is to make the gank more successful. If you are seen before you engage in your gank, the initial reaction of your opponents would be to retreat. You'll then waste the chance of killing that hero. As you can see from the pictures above, Jam hides in the forest a lot, and show himself along with his magic missile.
Destroy your opponent's wards early
Supports are very important in early clashes. They have the skills that are deadly for these low level opponents. Stun and nukes are essential to kill most of your opponents. Jam would use his clarity and flask if he has low hp and mana to be ready for team fights. He doesn't loiter around when he has short mana or hp. Jam would run through the fountain quickly and regenerate if there are no other chance to have his mana and hp back. Then run again to lanes where he is much needed. He can cast magic missiles; terror and swap anytime because he didn't waste time loitering instead of regenerating.
Always back your team mates up when they are in trouble
If you realized that the opponents have wards where they would hide to gank, immediately bought sentry wards to remove the defensive advantage of your opponents. Destroying your opponent's wards is very important if you want to gank. Good opponents would always have their eyes on the map and would know if you are planning to gank them. You should never skip buying sentry wards in ganking.
Psych out your opponents
Map awareness and always having tp scroll with you makes it easier for you to back your team mates up. You can either walk if you sense that team mates in other lanes would be in trouble or you can buy tp scroll and teleport as soon as you see the opponents charging through your team mate. There are big chances that you or your team mate would be the one to kill the opponents who tried to kill him. If not, at least you saved your team mate from losing his gold and letting the opponents have extra gold.
Supporting is not boring. It is up to the player whether it would be boring or not. Give supporting an art and be a fun to watch player whatever your role is.
In every game, once you mentally defeat your opponent, he's done. Try to psych out your opponents and make him feel that he should fear you. Like what Jam done here. We all know that this venge cannot kill shadow fiend in this case, but Jam is trying to psych out the Shadow Fiend by trying to show that he can. Though venge didn't continue killing SF, he left something to SF that wouldn't make him reach his potential, fear.
L17 - Learn the Ganking Styles
Vigoss: awarded as the best ganker of the year 2008
Ganking is one of the most important tools in winning DotA Games. Thus, there are different ganking styles that will make you sneaky and unpredictable. It is important that you have proper coordination with your team mates if you are going for ganks. Pro players are too careful that they don't often die from getting ganged up. Observer wards are too cheap and placing them in ganking areas is the best counter for Ganks. So, a variety of ganking style is recommended for being unpredictable.
The most basic ganking style is backstabbing. It's when you hide in fogs and appear behind enemies while they are farming. This is done well if you have perfect timing of using skills and I recommend having a gank mate because sole gankers cannot assure kills. Having disables like stun and slow makes it easier to kill heroes. This is the reason why gankers usually have this kind of skills. Beware because this type of ganking is easily countered by observer wards. Study your prey. Know if they have wards basing from the prey's actions. If they usually stay farming and then retreat totally when you got near them, most likely they have wards.Trapping
Trapping is a kind of ganking where as you stay on the opponents retreating area and stun/slow them to death. An example is ganking mid lane. One ganker would appear behind the prey to disable him. A good player won’t retreat directly to the tower because the ganker can have more normal attacks on him and end up having a cheap death. Thus, the ganker will retreat going the other way - in this case, upwards, where the 2 heroes can't attack him. Now, here comes another ganker to finish him off. Another good use of trapping is when you gank heroes with escape mechanisms, like leap of Mirana, waveform of Morphling, Blink of Akasha, Orb of Puck, Sucuchi of Nerubian Weaver, etc. Good prediction will make it easy for you to gank these heroes by trapping.Go and Teleport
This is done by making the allied heroes on the lane use their disables to make the opponents stay near while you are teleporting to gank. An example for mid lane would be having a Storm Spirit use his electric vortex on his opponent while you are teleporting at his tower. You can use your disables after teleporting to aid the Storm Spirit kill the prey. Be sure to do this with good timing. Disabling the opponent hero too early would make the ganker waste gold for tp because the prey would be gone when he arrived. There are limited heroes at mid which you can use this ganking style. The heroes with perfect disables, like Puck, Raijin, Rexxar, Bane Elemental, Viper, are the one suited with the Go and Teleport at mid lane. When it comes to the trilane, this can be executed easier. Most heroes at trilane have disables thus making it easier to have the opponents stay near the tower when the ganker arrived from teleporting.Charge!!!
This ganking style is named charge because this is a ganking style where you run towards your opponent infront of him. This can be executed at night time the vision of the opponent is smaller thus making it possible to gank him by charging. This requires quickness of both your hero and your hands. Good players with fast reactions will retreat after seeing one hero charging towards him. Appear from fog then disable him at once to make fleeing from you not possible.Teleport and Go
Furion, spectre and wisp are the only heroes that can do this. Teleport from opponent's blind spot then gang him up. In spectre's case you, there is no need for blind spot for he teleports directly beside his prey. Spectre is not a ganker but can be used to gank sometimes, particularly if he already is farmed up.Swap and Bam
Vengeful Spirit reaching level 6 can have a special style of ganking with his swap. You can walk in front of your opponent where it is fog then swap-stun him to set a kill for your allied hero.Invisibility
Invisibility has great advantage in ganking. You can be sneaky without having to consider the fog of war. Getting into good position, you can whack the opponents by surprise. May it be invisibility from rune, invisibility skills (wind walk, moonlight shadow), or lothars edge, you can gank opponents easily if they don't have true sight vision.Blink and Go
Blink is like invisibility too where you can appear beside opponents in an instant though blink still needs to consider fog of war. Heroes with disable can use blink to stun/slow a prey so allied heroes can charge towards the prey for dinner.Bait
Bait is one of my favorite ganking style where you can wipe out 3 heroes in no time. One hero, a carry would be better, will be creeping while the gankers will wait hidden in fogs. When 2 or 3 opponents come to gank the bait, they will be stuck in one place because they are going for the kill. Now, you're going to execute your plan and kill the gankers. I, sometimes, call this ganking the gankers.
L18 - Learn the Ways to Start a Clash
A DotA 2 5v5 wallpaper
Clash is one of the most critical part in DotA games. A lost clash means a tower lost. Sometimes a lost clash means a game lost. Observing GGnet.Puppey's picks, it is clear that he is going mostly for early game 5v5 clash and push. Ganking is less in his picks. The reason here is that players have evolved now. They aren't that easy to gank anymore unlike in the past years when MYM would usually go for massive ganks. There are also a lot of surviving mechanisms in today's version. Going for a gank-oriented line up isn't that secure anymore.
There are a lot of ways clash are started but I observed from best DotA teams before and now that there are 5 best way you can start a clash that would most likely make you win the clash.
Ganking a hero and rushing to push towers
Average teams would most likely go for this strategy because of its safety. Once you gank and killed a lone hero and you rush towards their tower, you are initiating a handicap match. If they go impatient and fight 4v5 against your team, you would have a very high chance of winning the clash.Ganking a smaller group to start a fight
It's difficult to gank a lone hero, especially if they have good supports. However, you can start a fight by ganking group of heroes that are outnumbered. For example you see 3 heroes at the bottom lane. Your team can all go for killing them right before the opponent come to team up with them. If you successfully killed those 3 heroes or 2 of them, it's difficult for them to win the clash once the backups arrive.Using Roshan
One way to start 5v5 matches is using roshan. Just stay at Roshan's lair to make them come. Once they are seen by your wards, you can initiate the fight by picking the best hero to kill first. This is possible because of your vision advantage over them. If you sense that they won't come, just kill Roshan and get the aegis which is another advantage in team fights.Dewarding and Hiding
One of the best way to start clashes is being unseen. This is mostly effective on their neutral creeps camp. Most of them would be going to farm a lane or go for neutrals, either way you can start the clash by having the advantage of making the move first.Making them impatient
Once they are going to push, you have the choice whether to charge towards them or to wait until they make a mistake. Rushing towards them will make them have the advantage of picking the target and they'll have the chance to wipe you out. If you choose to wait behind the tower, you have the tower as your team mate making the battle 6 against 5. If they're impatient enough they would march to the higher ground making them so vulnerable. This is the reason of most turning points in the game.Baiting
You can effectively start a clash by baiting. Most of the Best DotA teams are using this kind of initiator. They bait for simple reasons. One is vision. Next is protecting the key heroes from being damaged. When baiting, the opponent shouldn't know and they should focus fire on the bait landing some of their disables, then you come to save him killing their key heroes first(preferably disablers). Bait should have high tanking ability or escape mechanisms. If the opponents won't hit your bait, make him push a tower then they will hit him.
You can't escape from having clashes that's why I share some of my knowledge from my experience and from watching how professional teams do it. Choose wisely what to use because the type of clash initiator will depend on the situation and your lineup.
L19 - Learn to Push Towers Successfully
In every single game of DotA, no matter how you do it pushing is one vital and the most important thing to do in order to win. Taking down towers in order to get to the main building is one thing that a team or a player needs to master in order to dominate the opponent. Now here are a few tidbits to help you by when it comes to pushing.
Avoid long sieges
Make a push as swift and powerful as possible. Laying a long siege on an enemy base or tower may result in your allies going low on HP and MP and may cause some of their skills and ultimate to be wasted resulting in unnecessary cool downs.
Pressure the opponent
But not to the extent that you're going to be reaching a point that everyone in your team is going to be low on HP and MP as stated from above. This scene is commonly seen as a part of the current Meta of the game. It is an act of doing a 2 lane push wherein 4 members lay siege on one lane while another hero, which is the "one-man-mass-pusher" tries to push another. This is executed by doing a series of "push-and-back-out" tactics in order to break up the members of the opposing team and to outnumber a lane for a clash.
Check the Respawn Timer
Especially after a team fight or a successful gank, know when you're opponents are going to respawn in order to know when to back out and avoid going into unnecessary team fights where your team would be placed in a state of utter disadvantage.
Ward Beforehand
Warding before a push gives a good vision advantage for those fogged areas behind towers, this is to know if there is or are any incoming opponents that are going to defend and would help you decide on when to back out or to continue the push. (Warding will be discussed in Lesson 4).
Creep Block
Have your tank or any AOE/High DPS Carry block or destroy the incoming enemy creep wave in order to have a higher damage output from your own creeps.
Outnumbering the enemy isn't always an advantage
Always bear in mind what an enemy can do and not how many enemies are left, when pushing and seeing any incoming enemy defender, even if the situation makes you think that you are at the advantage since they are outnumbered, always think to yourself: Will they be able to defend this mass push? Are their spells enough to wipe out our own creep wave? Are our MPs, Spells and Physical Damage enough to take them out swiftly? You must bear these thoughts in mind most especially if you are going against heroes with some sick AOE Spells that could easily deal with massive creep waves.
Avoid the greed
Going beyond the tower just to kill that incoming enemy defender sometimes gives a dreadful result that gives a huge disadvantage for your team and could lead to a counter push. As much as possible limit your greed for gold and focus on the enemy tower first before going in for the kill.
Know when to back out
what’s a good way to do after a push? RUN Getting exhausted after doing a siege gives a good advantage for your opponent and could lead your team to a wipeout if you just stay near them after pushing. This is helpful during the early and mid-game phase where most of your teammates MP are easily drawn out from spamming up skills to counter enemy defense or to wiping out creep waves.
In every single game of DotA, no matter how you do it pushing is one vital and the most important thing to do in order to win. Taking down towers in order to get to the main building is one thing that a team or a player needs to master in order to dominate the opponent. Now here are a few tidbits to help you by when it comes to pushing.
Avoid long siegesMake a push as swift and powerful as possible. Laying a long siege on an enemy base or tower may result in your allies going low on HP and MP and may cause some of their skills and ultimate to be wasted resulting in unnecessary cool downs.Pressure the opponentBut not to the extent that you're going to be reaching a point that everyone in your team is going to be low on HP and MP as stated from above. This scene is commonly seen as a part of the current Meta of the game. It is an act of doing a 2 lane push wherein 4 members lay siege on one lane while another hero, which is the "one-man-mass-pusher" tries to push another. This is executed by doing a series of "push-and-back-out" tactics in order to break up the members of the opposing team and to outnumber a lane for a clash.Check the Respawn TimerEspecially after a team fight or a successful gank, know when you're opponents are going to respawn in order to know when to back out and avoid going into unnecessary team fights where your team would be placed in a state of utter disadvantage.Ward BeforehandWarding before a push gives a good vision advantage for those fogged areas behind towers, this is to know if there is or are any incoming opponents that are going to defend and would help you decide on when to back out or to continue the push. (Warding will be discussed in Lesson 4).Creep BlockHave your tank or any AOE/High DPS Carry block or destroy the incoming enemy creep wave in order to have a higher damage output from your own creeps.Outnumbering the enemy isn't always an advantageAlways bear in mind what an enemy can do and not how many enemies are left, when pushing and seeing any incoming enemy defender, even if the situation makes you think that you are at the advantage since they are outnumbered, always think to yourself: Will they be able to defend this mass push? Are their spells enough to wipe out our own creep wave? Are our MPs, Spells and Physical Damage enough to take them out swiftly? You must bear these thoughts in mind most especially if you are going against heroes with some sick AOE Spells that could easily deal with massive creep waves.Avoid the greedGoing beyond the tower just to kill that incoming enemy defender sometimes gives a dreadful result that gives a huge disadvantage for your team and could lead to a counter push. As much as possible limit your greed for gold and focus on the enemy tower first before going in for the kill.Know when to back outwhat’s a good way to do after a push? RUN Getting exhausted after doing a siege gives a good advantage for your opponent and could lead your team to a wipeout if you just stay near them after pushing. This is helpful during the early and mid-game phase where most of your teammates MP are easily drawn out from spamming up skills to counter enemy defense or to wiping out creep waves.
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